

Realvita is a dietary supplement based on Folic Acid, Vitamins of B-group, L-Carnitine, Vitamin C and Royal jelly. Folic Acid isessential for cell growth and reproduction, and together with Vitamin B12 it has an anti-anemic function, being essential in the production of hemoglobin. Together with Vitamins B6 and B12, is involved in homocysteine metabolism. Vitamins of B-group have multiple functions in metabolism, and the most important are: anti dermatitis properties, maintaining of mucous membranes integrity, metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and protides. Vitamins of B-group are involved in the transformation of food into energy and are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin C performs multiple functions in the body, is a known antioxidant, it is important for a proper functioning of the immune system and for collagen synthesis. It is therefore a coadjuvant in the capillary fragility and it encourages the absorption and utilization
